Our Philosophy

We sincerely appreciate the opportunity to work with you and fully recognize the trust and confidence implicit in your maintaining accounts with us. We feel the core of what we do is the quality of our advice and the breadth of our resources.  In short, our business is to help our clients build wealth, maintain it and manage it. We firmly believe that we offer the best in solutions-based professional financial advice.

 To clearly communicate to you our business philosophies, we share the following:

 ·   Primary Financial Advisor.  We seek to be a client’s primary financial advisor. 

·   Objectives Determine Strategy. One’s financial objectives, financial structure and other personal matters should dictate the appropriate strategies and recommended financial products.

·   Asset Allocation. Our investment philosophy holds at its core a belief that asset allocation is one of the primary determining factors of investment performance and managing risk.  As such, we strive to continuously invest in the strongest investment vehicles to help meet your long term financial objectives.  Further, we believe that different investment styles can be used to help achieve the same or similar strategies. 

·   Focus on What We Can “Control.” We believe that considerations for your investments include magnitude of returns, sequence of returns, volatility of returns, costs, and tax-implications.  It is critical in our minds to note that from a portfolio perspective, one can control or attempt to control some aspects and cannot control others. Portfolios should be constructed with that in mind.

 ·   People Resources.  We take a “team approach” to client relationships as we are the gateway to a very broad team of people, consultants and home office professionals dedicated to client service.

·   Trust and Referrals.  We seek to merit your trust to a level such that a referral of family, associates, customers, or friends is an outcome of our relationship.


In our relationships, we want to meet and exceed your every expectation. In order to clarify some elements about our relationships:

 ·   Portfolio Reviews.  We look to continually re-assess investment strategies, goals and financial objectives with each client through investment reviews throughout the year.  

·   Ongoing Communications: Throughout the year, we personally communicate with clients by special reports, phone calls, weekly market update emails.

·   Communication and Answers. We understand part of what we do for you as answering questions. Please never hesitate to call or e-mail with any question about your accounts or any financial topic.

 Again, on behalf of our team, thank you for the opportunity to earn your business.